
- SEA - display - social ads

With more than 9,000 investors and 10 years of success in sustainable investments, Meewind is a well-known name in the investment market. Meewind is a financial services provider for investing in wind and solar energy. With the various funds, they invest in sustainable projects and businesses. Our partnership came about because of their tremendous growth ambition. How we tackled this together? Read on!

The problem? A huge
growth ambition .

Meewind wanted to grow and the standard recruitment campaigns did not yield enough new participants. To nevertheless achieve growth, Meewind needed much larger numbers of new investors. But investing is not (yet) hugely alive among the general public in the Netherlands.

The use of smart data targeting

By using smart data solutions, we can reach Meewind’s specific target audience with relevant ads. With our external data tooling, we keep “waste” to a minimum and can offer very good campaign efficiency

Through this approach, we were able to achieve an above-average CTR and contributed to the millions of investments made by investors.

Social media advertising

Meewind is a household name in the sustainable investment market. Meewind has long been using various – more traditional – channels such as radio and television (NPO). Our job was to get the message to the target audience through social media channels as well. We started working with their high-quality media productions.

Data & display advertising

We deploy the same smart data tooling for Display ads for Meewind. It is very important to show the right message, to the right audience and at the right time. Based on current data, we are looking for similar individuals. Chances are then they will also be interested in renewable energy projects. In this way, they are introduced to Meewind and their opportunities to participate.


App marketing & lead generation

Meewind has developed a strong and user-friendly app for their unitholders. It’s up to us to make sure this app is actually downloaded by current investors. More and more young people are interested in SRI. With this app, they easily take the first step to build their portfolio. We deploy social media campaigns where we drive App installations.

“Think about advanced marketing automation funnels to keep your target audience engaged. But it also includes the use of Big Data, influencer marketing, radio, outdoor, customer journey mapping and programmatic campaigns. Your marketing foundation stands like a house, and that’s a great achievement! But to get even more out of your marketing efforts, it’s time to go to the NEXT level.”


Let's create together

Our marketers and creatives are at your service. Contact us.


SEO • SEA • Social advertising • E-mailmarketing

Website ontwikkeling • SEO • SEA •Social advertising

SEA • Premium performance ads • Media buying