Art Center Haarlem

- SEA - SEO - Social advertising

With an extensive art collection and a (web) store full of art and design items, there is something for everyone at Kunst Centrum Haarlem. Marina Raymakers, director of Kunst Centrum Haarlem, wanted to appeal to a “younger” target group of art lovers in addition to current customers. It is up to us to bring attention to the various components of Kunst Centrum Haarlem.

The result in
6 months

new leads
traffic to the website
+ 0 %
traffic from social
+ 0 %

The goal of Kunst Centrum Haarlem is to make art accessible to everyone. They do this by selling art as well as lending it to subscribers. In six months, we improved online visibility, increased traffic to the website and generated more than 380 leads through a data-driven e-commerce campaign.

Online visibility

When increasing your online visibility, it is important to be simultaneously present on different channels. For Kunst Centrum Haarlem, we mapped which keywords are important and where the target audience is located.

Because we show the story and message of Kunst Centrum Haarlem on the different channels, by placing ads, the online traffic has grown by 208%.

Social media advertising

Kunst Centrum Haarlem has been a household name in the region for 50 years. The art loan is familiar to many art lovers. However, among the new, younger audience, this is a lesser-known concept.

By choosing specific and targeted targeting on Facebook and Instagram, we know how to get this group excited about art. By creating beautiful and appealing advertising material – completely in the new corporate identity – we convey the message of Kunst Centrum Haarlem in an accessible way.

Kunst Centrum Haarlem2

Lead generation and email automation

Before our collaboration began, Kunst Centrum Haarlem already had a very nice file of loyal newsletter readers. We now send news updates twice a month and support them in creating content. In addition, we develop lead generation campaigns to make the fan base of Kunst Centrum Haarlem even larger. By working with email automation flows, the client is unburdened and the new fans receive a warm welcome.

“Think about advanced marketing automation funnels to keep your target audience engaged. But it also includes the use of Big Data, influencer marketing, radio, outdoor, customer journey mapping and programmatic campaigns. Your marketing foundation stands like a house, and that’s a great achievement! But to get even more out of your marketing efforts, it’s time to go to the NEXT level.”


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Online findability – SEO – SEA -Social advertising

Paulies Ginger

Online findability – SEO – SEA -Social advertising

BD Containers

Online findability – SEO – SEA -Social advertising
