Boring Festival

- SEA - Campaign strategy - Social ads

Boring? No, precisely not! The festival organized by Klein Haarlem will be anything but boring. After all, it was born precisely from the idea that Haarlem should be allowed to liven up a bit more, loosen up a bit and thus be less boring. So on Jan. 20 and 21, 2023, this is going to happen.

Downtown Haarlem is opening up with a lively mix of music, art, theater, community and nightlife. Crisscrossing the city and “against the rules”: hip-hop in a museum, random video installations everywhere.

Everything but

As advisory, support and executive marketers, we set up the entire marketing foundation. With the ultimate goal of selling more tickets. The website design was already in place, so we got to work on findability and visibility. To increase this, we decided to use Google ads, social media and Spotify campaigns.

Eventix in Google Analytics

Ticket sales for Boring are through Eventix. By linking this system to Google Analytics, we can chart exactly through which marketing channels tickets are purchased. This real-time measurement allows us to gain insight into which marketing efforts do work and where adjustments may be needed. This is crucial information for now, but also for the future. That way you can always find out which campaign deserves the most credits.

Social media advertising

The rollout of communications around the festival is taking place primarily on social media. Thanks to smart (re)targeting campaigns, we reach the target audience and adjust where necessary. Also consider the design of the expressions. Boring would like to know which design appeals most to the target audience. We jointly created a campaign to measure which creative design produced the best results. By testing, measuring and analyzing, we know how to continuously optimize social media campaigns.

SEA through Google Ads

To support the social media campaigns and get the findability of the festival right, we also used Google Ads (SEA). After reaching the target audience through social media, there is a chance that they will orient themselves through Google; and you want to reach them there as well. Through targeted advertisements, the right people are thus re-engaged, drawn to the website and enthused about the festival. Of course, if someone is convinced, they will buy a ticket to attend the Boring Festival.

Spotify advertising

In addition to social media and Google campaigns, we also rolled out a campaign on Spotify.

To reach our music lovers and festival goers in an innovative way, we chose this leading music streaming platform. The goal of the campaign was to boost brand awareness of this new festival. By choosing a platform so deeply rooted in music culture, we were able to authentically bridge the gap between Boring Festival and its target audience.

“Think about advanced marketing automation funnels to keep your target audience engaged. But it also includes the use of Big Data, influencer marketing, radio, outdoor, customer journey mapping and programmatic campaigns. Your marketing foundation stands like a house, and that’s a great achievement! But to get even more out of your marketing efforts, it’s time to go to the NEXT level.”


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Online findability – SEO – SEA -Social advertising

Paulies Ginger

Online findability – SEO – SEA -Social advertising

BD Containers

Online findability – SEO – SEA -Social advertising
