Next level

Your marketing foundation stands like a house, and that’s a great achievement. But now it’s time for “the NEXT level.

Consider advanced marketing automation funnels to keep your target audience engaged. But it also includes the use of Big Data, influencer marketing, radio, outdoor, customer journey mapping and programmatic campaigns.

Is your marketing strategy ready for the next step?


Reach your target audience on TikTok, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest or Facebook. Our experienced marketers develop a tight strategy for your social channels and social content.

More qualitative reach? Put the turbo on your campaigns and choose to purchase external audience data. This allows you to reach your exact target audience. Now that’s smart!

Get in touch

REALLY STAND OUT? Then choose banners on websites as well as digital advertising masts along the (highway). With programmatic advertising, your message is displayed at exactly the right time, in the right place and to the right people.

Eye-catching ads make your brand stand out from the rest. We have all the technology to optimize your campaigns in real time for the highest reach.

Marketing automation is a strategic approach to increase efficiency of your marketing funnel and generate more sales. We will automate repetitive tasks and add smart content to drive sales.

Choosing the right technology (e.g., Hubspot) and appropriate content are the starting point for a successful marketing automation strategy. Our experienced marketers will be happy to help you with this.

Humans are lousy predictors of the future, but algorithms do a lot better. What will you buy, what will you cook and where will you go on vacation?

Do you want to be at the forefront of data and technology? With our technology, we enrich campaigns with external big data and create look-a-likes of your paying customers.

Curious about a tryout for your campaign? Let’s chat!

Under the name Cherrypickin’, we build successful influencer campaigns. Our strength? Creativity! We also deploy our influencers offline, making the campaigns much more fun to watch. Because reaching 10,000+ followers is fun, but having them really watch and sympathize is even more fun. Our Cherries bring your brand to life.

Read more about Cherrypickin’